10 Must-Know Web Strategies to Help Grow Your Website in 2019

Need help with SEO? Then you’re in the right place.

Not even sure what SEO stands for? OK, now you really need to read this article. (It stands for search engine optimization, by the way.)

Below, we’ve made easy what a lot of blogs have made complicated: growing your website. We’ve taken the best website strategies for promoting your website and made them simple and practical enough for anyone to use.

Use these simple strategies to boost your website’s success.

1. Outsource

It’s time to get serious. That is, if you’re serious about whatever business or organization you’re running, then you need the best possible website.

Whether it’s an online business or not makes no difference to your site visitors. Your website is the face of your business to the entire online world, and the only side of your business they may ever see. In other words, to the internet, your website is your business. 

So if you know nothing about optimizing your site for search engines/user experience, it’s best to get professional help. After all, you have to invest in your business for it to grow, right? Unless you absolutely cannot afford it, look into your outsourcing options.

Find a well-reviewed SEO company that fits your budget. The increased traffic and conversions this earns you will soon pay for itself, and then some.

Also, make sure the future of your website is taken care of, too. Confirm that the SEO company you hire will either continue to maintain your site for you or teach you how to do it.

2. On-Page SEO Tips

If you can’t afford to outsource, here’s what you can do to optimize your own website.

First, your site must be responsive, that is, optimized for the type of device viewing it. PC users should see your full site while mobile users get the simple, quick-loading, screen-fitting mobile version.

In search results, Google puts responsive sites before all others. Since most sites today are responsive, sites that aren’t are exiled to the farthest reaches of the search results. 

Long loading time is another deathblow to your search rank that’s easy to fix. Keep your site simple. Don’t overload pages with too many big files or complicated design elements that take forever to load.

And, if you have any love for your visitors, test your site navigation firsthand. Wander around on your site from page to page looking for specific information. Then, evaluate.

Is your site easy to navigate? Is navigation intuitive or confusing? Does the organization of your site make sense?

Taking your site for a test drive lets you know exactly what kind of experience visitors get from your site.

Related Reading:   5 Steps How To Create Your Website From Scratch

3. Take Advantage of Free Site Audits and Other Promotional SEO Offers

An even better way to see exactly where your site needs the most help is to ask a professional. Not only is a site audit the second-best thing to outsourcing SEO, it’s usually free. 

There’s a huge and ever-growing demand for SEO services, and no shortage of supply, either. SEO companies have to be very competitive to stay in business. As such, they’re constantly offering a number of their services at low promotional prices or even for free!

You should be able to find the help you need for free with one quick Google search. You’ll find everything from free website builders to free domain registry, as seen in this blog, for example.

4. Advertise

Next, even the smallest website budgets have room for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Why? Because it’s practically free.

As the name suggests, you only pay when people click on your ads. Instead of paying for the possibility of attracting traffic, you only pay when the ads have succeeded in directing people to your site. PPC advertising is about as guaranteed as advertising gets. 

However, it doesn’t guarantee that the traffic will convert to sales or any other goal you’re trying to achieve. The next tip can help with that, though.

5. Blog

Blogging is essential for growing your website because it helps with all the other points on this list. 

For one thing, blogging adds pages to your site. More pages mean more chances of showing up in search results. It also gives you more pages to link to with your PPC ads.

Also, you’ll use your blog to close the sale, or whatever call-to-action you’re going for. That’s how you turn traffic into conversions.

6. Use Popular Keywords

To up your chances even more, base articles on trending keywords. Keywords are the search terms people type into search engines when searching. You can research the popularity of relevant keywords with free tools like Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console.

The more useful, authoritative, and trendy your blog content is, the higher you’ll rank in search results. And that means more traffic.

7. Interview Influencers

So how does one produce useful, authoritative, trendy content? Here is one of the easiest and most effective content-production strategies.

Ask authorities and influencers in your niche if you can get an interview with them. You’ll be surprised how often they’ll say, “Yes.”

What’s more authoritative than an exclusive interview with one of the top speakers in your field? It’s original, valuable, and a great shot at landing a number 1 search rank.

8. Curate Content

Next, you can curate authoritative content from other sites around the web. It’s free, legal, and super-easy. Here’s how to do it.

Related Reading:   How To Be Guarantee Successful In Blogging?

First, look up a popular keyword. Next, come up with a list-style article based on that keyword. An example is, “10 Best Ad Campaigns of 2018.”

Then, for each entry on the list, find authoritative content from other sites to use as a source. In your own words, discuss the source content in your article. Always be sure to name and link to the source of the content, though, or else it’s plagiarism.

9. Repurpose Content

Repurposing is another word for recycling in regard to content. Instead of only coming up with new content, you can stretch the reach of old content by repurposing it to other media. Here’s how it works.

When you post a new blog article, don’t move onto the next one just yet. If you simply read it out loud, that same article becomes a podcast. Condense the podcast and add an image slideshow and it becomes a video script.

Or, use the article as a source to script a live-action video. This way, you can write the script without having to do any new research. 

These examples at least triple the amount of exposure you can get out of a single article. And it can be done much faster than writing 3 original articles. Plus, it reaches a wider audience.

10. Guest Post

Another necessary SEO basic is getting backlinks. Just like the name implies, these are links on other sites that lead back to yours.

When other sites use your content as a source for their posts, it tells Google that you are an authority on the topic. And that boosts your search rank.

You don’t have much control over whether or not sites use you as a source. That’s why it’s important to keep pumping out awesome, valuable content on your site to up your chances.

But there is one acceptable backlink strategy you can control: guest posting. When you write posts on other sites as a guest writer, you can use the content on your own site as a source link.

Just be careful that the link makes sense as an actual source of the guest article you’re writing. If the link isn’t relevant, it will actually penalize your search rank. 

Use These Top Website Strategies to Grow Your Site

The rest is up to you. What good is good advice if it bears no fruit?

Don’t just read it; do it. Use these website strategies to see a notable traffic increase in the near future.

What else can we make easier for you? How about making money online? Next, read How to Make Money Online for Beginners: 10 Easy Ways.