3 Effective Ways How To Stay Away From Writing Distraction

Why writing a 500 words blog post could take you 3 hours? People must think that it must be a joke that you take 3 hours to write a 500 words blog post, they must think that you are not good in your own niche, it doesn’t make sense at all. Nevertheless, sometimes that’s not the case, writing distraction could take you even longer to get your 500 words article done.

Most of the bloggers out there are facing the same problem, writing distraction reduces their productivity, the worst case is that they don’t even write a post in a day.

What Is Writing Distraction?

There are two types of writing distraction which are “Online Distraction” and “Offline Distraction”.

1. Online Distraction
When your computer or laptop is connected to the internet, then you probably are not able to get rid of the online distraction such as Facebook, News, Movie, Video Clip, and etc. These could simply take you whole day to surf and you might not be able to finish surfing them in a day too because these information are keep updating in minutes.

I would say online distraction takes 90% of overall distraction and it can be happened daily.

2. Offline Distraction
If you’re writing a blog post at home, then most probably you’ll get distraction from your family, says your kids or husband/wife ask for help, or someone calling you. Nevertheless, it’s a rare case.

It may only takes 10% of overall distraction and it’s only happened once in awhile.

3 Effective Ways How To Get Rid of Writing Distraction

1) Writing with offline mode
As I said above, online distraction could simply take you whole day of time and it’s 90% of your overall distraction. Once you have some ideas in mind, pull out your network cable and start writing, it could save you a lot of time, keep your mind concentrated and you can simply write a 500 words blog post within an hour.

Related Reading:   3 More Ways To Keep Distractions At Bay While Writing

2) Writing in a quiet place
Most of the people are writing article at home, either in living room or computer room. Sometimes your family member may find you and you get distracted again. You should try to find a place which is quiet and can be writing without much distraction such as library, fast food restaurant, coffee station, and so on.

3) Set a goal with penalty
This might be difficult as you’re the only one who penalize yourself, therefore you may need someone else to supervise you. For example, you set a goal to write a 500 words blog post in a time frame of 1 hour, if you couldn’t get it done and submit your blog post to your mate, then you need to pay a penalty fee of $10 to your mate. Other than this, you can make a deal with your blog buddy to write a blog post in daily basis, who ever fails to do so and he will need to pay $10 as penalty.

Wrap Up

There is no rule or formula to follow, you can do whatever thing to force yourself to be productive, it’s good for your own. If you have ideas in your mind and some points on our hand, you might be able to write a 500 words blog post in 30 minutes. Anyway, you can always control your mind to be concentration and you can simply get rid of writing distraction without doing anything.

Do you face the problem of writing distraction? What is your writing distraction?