5 Important Tips for Making Your Business Blog a Success

Customers once came through the doors of your business. Now, 81% of consumers will search online before making a purchase. This means there’s a good chance that they are checking you out online before you even talk to them.

Blogging as a business is a good way to meet them online and offer as much value up front as you can. A business blog can inform and bring people back for more.

Here’s how your business blog can succeed.

1. Post Consistently

This tip is crucial if you want to establish a following. A following will interact with you. They will also give you more insight into your customer base, and be ready to share whatever they find useful.

Studies showed that a business posting 16 times a month had 3.5 times more traffic than the business blog who only posted 4 or less a month.

2. Use Images

It has been shown that blogs with images receive 94% more views. The top business blogs get this. Images help your reader retain the information easier, and for longer. 

There are a lot of ways to work imagery into your blog:

  1. Graphs and charts can highlight certain insights or numbers. 
  2. Infographics sum up a lot of information in an attractive way. These are also very shareable for your readers.
  3. GIF’s are playful, but they can really drive home your point with humor.
  4. Memes are another playful element where you add text to an image to make a humorous observation.

Use the type of imagery that is appropriate for your business and company brand.

3. Make It Easy to Read

Give your text some room to breathe. Writing on the internet is not that same as writing in school or typing on paper. There are new rules for writing. These will ensure your reader can easily glide through your content.

Related Reading:   5 Reasons Why Am I Not Reading Your Blog?

Use elements such as bullet lists, different header sizes, and short paragraph lengths. These will help make your blog more inviting.

4. Write What You Know

You want to become seen as an authority in your field. By writing about what you know, you can demonstrate that you are trustworthy.

If your business focus was construction. You would want to write about things like steel formwork, worksite management, and pre-fabricated building materials. That’s what customers within the construction industry would want. But you don’t have to feel limited in your topic range.

Reach out for more perspectives that could be valuable to your readers. Ask others in your field to write guest posts. You could also reach out the best in your industry for a round-up post. Here you can compile the best advice around on your business blog. This a great way to gain more influence and recognition in your market.

5. Be Relevant

You want to be sure you’re writing for the right people about the right things. To do that, you will need to know that they are searching for. This is where keyword research will help. Use words that your customers will use when doing a Google search. 

Add your keywords into your blog post headlines and scatter them through your posts. This will let you rank higher in search results. But being relevant involves a lot more.

Invite readers’ questions at end of your posts. Then write new posts to answer the questions. While you help your readers remember that it is always better to show, rather than tell. 

Related Reading:   Build Your Website In Minute With BaseKit

Start Your Business Blog

A small business blog is easy to start. The hardest part is keeping it going. So have a plan from the start that incorporates the tips above. This will be a big step in moving out to meet your customers where they are, online.

Want more? We have plenty more tips for blogging.