5 Key Things Smart Entrepreneur Bloggers Outsource

Most bloggers start out with a big idea and a very small budget. At first, it’s common to handle every aspect of your business in-house. As your blog starts to grow and revenues improve, a movement towards outsourcing solutions helps take things to the next level.

Smart bloggers know it’s not realistic to keep doing everything on their own. Still, letting go can be a challenge. It’s hard to know what tasks you can outsource without sacrificing quality.

The key to successful outsourcing lies in choosing good providers and clearly communicating your expectations. Bloggers looking for outsourcing solutions can easily start with the following five tasks.

1. Social Media Management

A solid social media presence is necessary for successful blogging. However, trying to actively maintain multiple social media channels can dominate your life. Outsourcing this critical task will open up a world of opportunity.

Take a look at the time you have available, your skill level, and your interest in social media. This will help you to decide on the best outsourcing solutions for your business. You may want to outsource the entire process to a third-party provider, or simply use social media management software like PostPlanner or Buffer.

2. Paystub Creation

Once your blog is generating positive revenues, it’s important to start paying yourself as an employee of your business. An official paystub shows proof of income and creates a strong work reference. It allows you to track your finances and helps with qualification for credit cards and other bank loans.

An automated system like The Paystubs allows you to quickly generate official paystubs. Enter a few basic pieces of information, choose your paystub format, and instantly download a .pdf version of your paystub.

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3. Content Creation

Since most bloggers love to write, you may not have considered outsourcing your content creation. After all, how can you let someone else write the content for YOUR blog? The answer is simple, open up your blog to guest bloggers.

This tactic can significantly increase your web traffic and social media presence. It allows you to keep your blog full of creative content while taking some of the pressure off of yourself.

4. Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading your blog requires a fair amount of time and expertise. Outsourcing this task to a professional allows you to finish your writing and then move on to other things. Having a second set of eyes on your work helps to ensure that your posts are as close to flawless as possible before going live.

5. Ultimate Outsourcing Solutions: Because SEO is Hard

Most bloggers write content that expresses their personality and creates value for the end user. Unfortunately, for blog posts to show up in search engine results, you also need a solid search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

Outsourcing tasks like keyword research, link-building, and image optimization allow you to focus on your writing while still ensuring that your readers can find your posts.

Are You Ready to Take Your Blog to the Next Level?

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