5 Secrets to Boosting Blog Traffic with a Guest Writer

There’s nothing better for a project than a fresh set of eyes. Hiring a guest writer for your blog is no different. You’ll allow visitors to see your concept in a new way and maybe even learn something new.

If you’re looking to boost traffic to your blog, a guest poster might be a solution you haven’t considered yet. While there are lots of technical ways to increase traffic, this is one trick that just about every site can use.

Keep reading below for 5 ways that a guest post can boost attention to your blog and bring in more traffic that can result in sales.

1. They Bring a Whole New Audience

When a guest poster writes about you, their links can lead traffic right to your site. Direct referrals are the strongest kind of co-sign coming from a source that your referees trust. If you’ve done the right research to get a trusted industry voice to write about you, you’ll end up with quality referrals who stick around and increase revenue.

For instance, if you have a real estate blog, it wouldn’t hurt to get to know the agencies around you such as Liberty Management, Inc. property management.

Before your guest takes over, be prepared. Be sure that you have what their audience is looking for posted front and center when they arrive.

2. Expanded Social Media Presence

Some readers get most of their cues on what to read from their social media feed. Having a guest writer post your blog to their audience can broaden your base.

With the right combination of keywords and hashtags, you could end up in far more social searches than you would have on your own. Work on top ideas with your guest writer so that you can stay on top of trends and both take on new audience members.

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3. Compounding Your Brands

The power of a good brand can keep visitors around. The power of two good brands is exponential growth. Choosing the perfect guest is important because your overlap can make your traffic explode.

By working together you’ll find better brand mentions and more brand authority than you can build on your own.

4. More Organic Traffic

If you’ve put in the effort to create high-quality posts with a diverse range of sources and natural links, your search ranking will be higher. Taking advantage of SEO factors that come with having guest posts, you can reach more readers in a way that feels organic.

5. More Future Visitors

By working with a guest writer and making sure they’re putting together sincere content for your site, you can win future visitors. If your content is quality, visitors will find it memorable and add you to their list of go-to blogs.

They might not follow you right away, but you can bet the next time they see your name, they’ll stop and click.

The Right Guest Writer Can Blow Up Sales

Using a guest post service is a low-cost way to expand your brand. Lots of bloggers are happy to guest post because of what it can mean for their own brand. In order to maintain your unique voice, find the right fit for your company.

If you’re new to blogging, it’s never too soon to start connecting to the wide network of guest posters who can get your traffic off to a strong start.