Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Drive

Google Drive  is like a server or place where you can store all your files and data into it safely. You can store all your files such as videos, photos, Google Docs, PDFs and etc. It can be managed by either individual or joint venture, both parties can manage the files in a joint project.

8 Advantages of Google Drive

1. Access your files everywhere
Google stores your files in their server and you can access them no matter where you are as long as you are able to access to internet.

2. You can edit and make changes to the files
Google Drive gives you instant access to Google Docs, a suite of editing tools that allow you to edit and make changes to your files.

3. Able to access with various devices
You can simply access to Google Drive and access your files anytime and anywhere as long as you have a device on hand with network, it is access-able with various devices such as PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

4. Easy to search your files
Google Drive has the feature of searching by keyword and filter by file type, you get your files very quickly. Even though your file is an image file, you can also search the word in the image file.

5. View any types of file
Google Drive can opens any types of file such as HD video, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, there are up to 30 file types in your browser. The best thing is that you don’t have to install or own this file type in your PC.

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6. Share your files with your friends
It has the feature which you can share your files to your friends with just a few simple click. You can set the permission where your friends can either view, edit, comment on your stuff, or all of them.

7. Open discussion
You can create and reply to comments to get feedback and make files more collaborative, it can be done by commenting directly on the files.

8. 5GB Disk Space and It’s FREE!
You can get started with 5GB of disk space, it’s free! You can store everything you want with this 5GB of disk space, you can choose to upgrade to 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or even 1TB for $49.99/month. When you upgrade to a paid account, your Gmail account storage will also expand to 25GB.

Disadvantages of Google Drive – My Personal Thought

Google Drive is a powerful file storage tool, it has countless advantages and I believe that it might has disadvantage as well.

1. Hackers hack or remove your important data
One of the disadvantages that I think might happen will be the hackers who hack or remove your important data, or they install virus into your server and your files are gone. You may have some confidential file such as financial statement or cash flow which you need to share between you and your partner, these files might be dangerous if 3rd party can hack and view it too.

Yes, Google is strong and it should has powerful anti-virus or security system to protect the files, but sometimes it may happen, who knows. Google Drive is still new and the number of users are not huge, therefore the problem may not be occurred yet, but the problems will arise one day later when the number of users increases day by day.

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2. Uploading and Downloading Speed
Another disadvantage that I foresee will be the uploading and downloading speed, when millions of user are uploading and downloading together, the speed will be slow down. Still the same word, Google Drive is new and the number of users is not huge yet, it may happen shortly, I believe that will be very soon.

Wrap Up

As we can see, the advantages are more than disadvantages at the moment, but I believe that Google will upgrade their security system from time to time and ensure that no one can hack the files, it is one of the responsibilities of Google. In overall, it’s worth to try Google Drive, there will be more and more features added to the system, so keep an eye on that and try it for FREE now!

Have you tried Google Drive? Do you find any problem with it?