Are You A Newbie to Blogging? Blog Tips for Newbie

Thinking to start your own blog? There must be hundreds of questions you want to ask to make your blog a success. The most common question asked is “How to become a successful blogger?” Upcoming bloggers have hard time in reaching out to people; at times they have very good content but are unable to generate viewership. This obstacle can be overcome by following a couple of steps. These are not rules but definitely guide lines which will not only help you to enhance your blogging skills but will also lead your thoughts to larger group of dedicated readers.

There is no shortcut for success in life and same way you cannot cheat your way up in blogging competition. There are millions of bloggers, but what will keep you ahead of others is your commitment. The key ingredients in making your blog a success are given below. Read them carefully as these tips will definitely help you in writing your blog.

Step 1 – Write from the heart.

This is the most important point; if you write from your heart, people will feel connected and appreciation will come your way. You could write popular posts by making calculated decisions, looking for the stats to support your views and spread your blog’s name but it will not be as successful as it could have been if you would have written it from heart.

Blogs which are written with authenticity and soul, a combination of facts and a twist of your personality in to it, are the ones which grab maximum number of viewers. Writing about the experiences from your own life, things which you are passionate about, things which make you what you are. These are the things with which your readers will be able to connect.

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Step 2 – Keep the reader’s problems in mind.

It is important to show your readers that you are thinking about their problem, and your blog is not just about you but it is there so that you can help your readers. You should be aware who your readers are, what type of audience you are targeting?

You should start by knowing the people you are addressing and what kind of problems they are going through. Read other successful blogs to get an idea. This will make your readers more secure and will become loyal readers to your blog.

Step 3 – Write catchy headlines.

Headlines are actually more important than they should be. They are like advertisements for your posts. Everyone makes their first opinion after reading the headline only, so if your headline is not catchy, hardly any one will read what you have written under it. Even if you have some amazing content, but if the headline is not grabbing people’s attention, your post will not be a success. You can take a look at popular blogs and headlines they use for their articles.

Step 4 – Social media marketing

Now days, social media sites have become the best means to reach higher viewership. Digg and Stumbleupon are one of many. These sites can send tons and tons of traffic to your blog but it is not that easy to get popular on these sites. For a new blog, the best way is to get a link from a bigger blog such as or Dumb Little Man.

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Facebook is now one of the best ways to advertise something, and you can do the same about your blog. Makin a facebook page about your blog will definitely help.

Step 5 – Guest posting.

It is another requirement to make your blog grow and grab more readers. Social media is a big help but the best way to attract more readers to your blog is to write great guest posts for other blogging sites. This is a way to show readers how good of a writer you are.

Step 6 – Try new things

Blogs often get outdated if they do same things over and over. When you have nothing new to write about and you are losing viewers because of that then you should start looking out for what other blogs are doing, what are they talking about. Trying those things will make your writing more interesting. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

So, these tips can be fruitful to you if you are a beginner in the world of blogging. Follow these and enjoy the success.