Blogging: The Best Recruitment Marketing Strategy You’re Not Using

Unemployment is at its lowest for 20 years. Which is great for employees, but for employers, it means that the tables have been turned. The employment marketing is now more favorable to job seekers than to recruiters, as there are more job opportunities for candidates to choose from. 

This means that companies seeking to recruit new employees have to compete for the best candidates or risk losing them to their competitors.

So how do you make sure that your recruitment strategies are reaching the people who you want to be working for you?

Well, firstly you need to make sure that your recruitment marketing campaigns are the best in the industry, and one of the most useful tools in your kit is the humble blog.

Read on to find out more about how online blogging can be the boost your recruitment campaign needs.

Tell Your Story

So what can blogging offer your recruitment marketing campaign?

Well, it basically allows you to create long-form content where you can explain aspects of your business that you can’t do elsewhere on your website. 

You might be wondering how this can help your recruitment strategies. But in a recent survey, 64% of candidates said they research a company online and 37% said they will move on to another job offer if they can’t find information on the company.

Candidates want to know who they are applying to, and it’s your job to tell them. Use a blog to talk about the story behind your company and talk about how and why it has got to this point.

Showcase Your Brand

Setting up a blog is a simple thing to do, but once you have created a blog you can really go to town showcasing your brand. 

Strong branding is not only important for selling your products and services but also for recruitment. You are advertising yourself as an employer to prospective employees, and the more eye-catching and distinctive you look, the better. 

This is never truer than if you are trying to recruit millennials. Younger candidates are very tuned-in to branding and will be judging your company from the minute they see your website. 

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Demonstrate Authority in the Industry

As a business, you want to recruit the best candidates in the field. The best candidates also want to work for the best companies. 

The candidates you really want to attract are ambitious, switched-on people who are keen to learn and want to work for the best. So, in order to demonstrate that your business is a real player in your industry, you can use blogging to showcase your expertise. 

The blog format allows you to create detailed posts about your products, services and respond to news and developments in your industry. Not only will these posts be great for your website SEO, as you can use lots of great keywords, but they will also demonstrate your authority. 

Promote Your Business Culture

Blogs are also a great way to show the world, including prospective employees, how great your internal culture is. 

Without a blog, it will only be people who already work for you that know about your company culture, but with a decent blog, you can show exactly what it’s like to work on your team.

This is a really important part of your recruitment marketing. Because as well as wanting to work for industry experts, candidates also want to work somewhere where they’ll be happy. In fact, a recent study showed that 60% of Americans would take a 50% pay cut to work in a job that they really love. 

Show off your positive internal culture by using photos or videos of your workspace. You never know you could even start attracting candidates from further afield who are dying to come work for you. If you do, you might find yourself needing a guide to employee relocation services. 

Let Your Employees Speak for Themselves

You can take your recruitment marketing one step further by encouraging your employees to write posts for your blog.

They can write about what it’s like being an employee in your company, and what the day-to-day work is like. They can also discuss more fun things, like what social activities they enjoy with the rest of the team.

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This will be a valuable recruitment tool, as candidates will be hearing about company culture straight from the horse’s mouth. This adds authenticity to your blog and shows that you trust your employees to write about your business on a public forum. 

Highlight Your Success

Blogs can be a great way to blow your own trumpet. Though you have to be careful as not to sound too arrogant, blogging is a great way to tell the world about your success.

Any candidate considering applying to work for you can’t help but be impressed by awards or positive feedback. Nobody wants to work for a company that people complain about, but positive feedback can boost the morale of the whole team.

Create a Dedicated Recruitment Marketing Blog

If you are beginning to see the benefits of using blogging as a recruitment strategy then you might also want to consider creating a dedicated recruitment blog. This is especially effective for businesses that need to recruit for a number of posts or have ongoing recruitment campaigns. 

A dedicated recruitment blog will allow you to go into more detail about each post, and expand on the criteria required for the job. This will help you get a higher quality of candidate who is better matched to the job specifications.

If you do it well, your blog will be the go-to place for candidates looking to work in your industry.

More Blogging Tips 

So those are some of the benefits of using blogging as part of your recruitment marketing campaign. 

Blogging is a great way to show candidates what you do and how well you do it. It can provide your business with a platform to showcase the best of your services, culture and your successes.

If you found this guide useful, why not check out some more of our blogging tips right here