Common Instagram Marketing Myths You Should Avoid at All Costs

Are you thinking of marketing on Instagram? If you are a business owner who wants to promote your product or service, you have likely thought about Instagram marketing. 

However, if you have been researching the platform or talking to business associates, you might be hearing a few troubling rumors about the realities of marketing on Instagram. This can leave you wondering if Instagram is worth your time and effort.

Although there are many myths about using Instagram to promote your business, not all of them are true. By believing these myths, you can miss out on an opportunity to increase visibility and awareness of your brand.

If you are wondering what Instagram marketing myths to avoid, this short and simple guide is for you. 

Likes Are Not Important 

A common misconception about Instagram is that likes are no longer important. Although Instagram is testing removing the like count, likes are still essential. 

Likes determine engagement and are a great way to see what content people like the most. If you want to boost your likes, consider likes for likes instagram pictures

Business Accounts Are Less Visible 

A common myth about marketing on Instagram is business accounts are less visible. Although this might be true on other platforms, on Instagram content is king. Post valuable content and your account will be seen, whether you are a business or personal account. 

The Fewer Hashtags the Better 

If you research how to market on Instagram, you might read advice that the fewer hashtags you use, the better. This could not be further from the truth. Hashtags get your content in front of the people who want to see it, which is why you should use up to 30 hashtags per post. 

Related Reading:   Legally Awkward: The Downside of Social Media for Law Firms

The Algorithm Favors Quantity Over Quality 

If you think you have to post several times a day to be seen, think again. Quantity does not win over quality on Instagram. While you should be consistent, post killer content that drives engagement and the algorithm will favor your posts. 

Follow for Follow Is a Valid Marketing Method

Follow for follow is a tactic many Instagram influencers use to boost their follower count. This means the people who follow you likely have no interest in your content. 

Any smart marketer will tell you, your follower count means nothing without engagement. Although follow for follow may seem effective, it’s not a valid marketing method on Instagram. 

You Need to Buy Ads to Effectively Market on Instagram

A common myth to ignore is you need to buy ads to successfully market on Instagram. In reality, content marketing is just as effective as buying ads and it is a more affordable method of marketing. 

These Are the Instagram Marketing Myths to Avoid

There are several Instagram marketing myths you should not believe. 

Some of the myths are likes are not important and business accounts are less visible. You might hear that you should use only a few hashtags and the algorithm favors quantity over quality. If you read follow for follow is a great marketing method or you need to buy ads to market on the platform, know that these myths are not true.

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