How I Make Money Online In Malaysia

Making money online is what most of the people want to do these days, it’s not an impossible mission anymore as what elder people said make money online is a scam! Today, young generation doesn’t think this way, make money online becomes popular for student these days.

Making money online can be global, it’s not that only people from certain country can do this, any people from any country can make money online, it’s either you want to do or don’t want to do. Making money online is crucial, many people know that it’s legitimate but they just refuse to do it, some may be lazy to start, some may not have the modal to get started, some may not have time to start, etc, these are the largest block for people to start making money online.

Anyhow, I feel surprise that there are actually many Malaysians don’t know about they can actually make money from the internet or make money from blogging, especially friends around me. Most of my friends don’t believe what I told them until I show them my Google Adsense payment check and Paypal transaction.

My Making Money Online History In Malaysia

I’m a Malaysian, I’ve been making money online in Malaysia for 4 years and I can guarantee that it’s not a scam as elder people said. When I first started blogging, my parents told me the same thing “It’s Scam! Don’t waste your time!”, my thought was to prove them that it was not the case, making money online is a legitimate way to make money on the internet.

In the first few months of blogging, I was not able to earn money because my blog was new and didn’t drive much traffic. I didn’t think too much and kept going, what was in my mind was that I must prove to my parents that making money online is a legitimate way to make money online. In the first year, I was to give up because I still didn’t earn much money from blogging, luckily I didn’t quit at the end and I started making money from my blog in second year. You can check out my post and see how I made my first $100 online. I didn’t earn thousands like other big guns on the internet, I’m only able to earn $500-$1000 per month but it’s enough to prove that making money online is not a scam.

After all, my parents didn’t say that making money online is a scam anymore, they shared this with their friends and also asked them to approach to me regarding make money online if they’re interested.

Beware of Fast Money Making Online Scheme

Making money online is worldwide and there are many ways to make money from the internet such as selling online product, selling banner ads, affiliate program, writing sponsored review / paid post, selling text link, pay per click program, and etc. The internet world is huge and it’s full of scam as well, you have to beware of these scam which will cause you to lose money.

Related Reading:   How I Make Money Online Selling Domain Name?

There is a scam that I think most of the people will be trapped, it’s what we call “Fast Money Making Online Scheme“, there are many ‘kind’ and ‘helpful’ people who are very passionate to teach you how to make money online fast with their scheme without any hard works, it’s truth that they will send you their tutorials and schemes but you have to pay for their research and effort. In fact, there’s no wrong that you pay and they give, it’s not illegal too, but the thing is that what they deliver is definitely not what they advertise on their page. If you’re following their schemes or tutorials, you may be another victim who wastes money and time doing these.

Why I’m saying these? Because I was one of the victims before I started blogging.

Money I paid for the so called “Fast Money Making Online Scheme” was little, but the time I spent on the tutorials was huge, time equal to money, but the time I spent didn’t generate money that I suppose to get. It was my past and I thanked the people who did this to me, and it was one of the reasons why I started blogging too.

How I Make Money Online In Malaysia?

The way I make money online in Malaysia is very simple, blogging. Nevertheless, the way you blogging would lead you to success or failure, therefore you need to know how to blog the right way and it could generates income for your effort.

You have to pay $100 for my tutorial, kindly send the payment via paypal to… I have to tell you that all the tutorials and tips are FOC, you don’t have to pay even a cent for these. There are thousands of tutorials and tips on the internet, don’t pay for these which teach you how to get rich fast, it doesn’t make sense at all.

Here I show you a general step by step how you can get started and make some money from blogging.

1. Pick Your Niche / Topic
It’s simple, ask yourself what is the things that you like and passionate, it could be your hobby or things you do everyday. You have to make sure that you like the topic and you can write about this topic non-stop, perhaps you can do some research on the internet to see if there is any reference website for you to refer.

Related Reading:   How I Made My First $100 Dollar Online?

If you afraid about the growth potential of your topic, you can do keyword research with the free keyword tool from Google. As long as you pick a topic which you’re passionate, it’s a good start for your blogging journey.

2. Paid Web Hosting and Unique Domain
It’s a must if you’re really serious in making money online from blogging, a small investment or kick-start modal is needed. Many free web hosting are not reliable and you may lose your website without any reason, don’t take the risk if you’re serious in blogging.

Getting a web hosting will not cost you too much, I would recommend Hostgator as I’ve been using this for years and the performance is good, it costs you about $100 for a year depending on the plan which you take, a dime at a restaurant would cost you more than that.

3. Keep Writing
Once you’ve purchased your hosting and domain, you can setup your blog with WordPress platform by using the feature called “Fantastico” from Hostgator cpanel which creates your WordPress blog in seconds.

After you’ve setup your blog, you can now start writing article which is related to your topic. Remember that not to monetize your blog in the beginning until your blog has decent traffic in daily basis, excessive of advertisement could drive people off if you do the wrong way, and you won’t make money if your blog has low traffic, so do not place any advertisement on your blog until your blog drive decent traffic.

Once your blog generates decent traffic, says 100 visitors per day, you can start testing several advertisement such as Google Adsense, BuySellAds, and etc, you have to test each of them to see which one is working best for your blog.

Wrap Up

Making money online in Malaysia is pretty simple if you do the right way, there is no secret in making money online, you just have to follow the right steps and tutorials. If you still doubt of how to get started, you may follow my previous post which explained step by step how to create your blog from scratch.

Remember that don’t get trapped in the fast money making online scheme, most of them are scam, don’t waste your money and time following these schemes. Bear in mind that there is no free lunch in the world, all you have to do is work hard and be patience. You’ll be the next successful blogger in Malaysia!

Do you have a blog? Does your blog starts making money?