How Tech Bloggers Earn Money

Got a passion for technology? Interested in the numerous virtues of having your own side hustle?

Many successful tech bloggers have transformed their passion for IT into making serious money.

We’re here to show you how to take your knowledge and skills and turn it into actual profit.

Let’s get into it!

Define Your Niche

With so many blogs and websites, it’s very easy to get lost in a sea of talent. Today, everybody is competing for increased traffic and top spots on Google search results.

While it can undoubtedly take time to establish your platform and audience, it’s important to define your niche.

Successful tech bloggers don’t write about everything under the sun. They don’t just spew out content that seems interesting to them.

Instead, they hone in on specific topics geared towards a specific audience. If their passion app game development, they don’t start talking about open-source software. They narrow down a target demographic and create highly-tailored content that will keep that demographic coming back for more.

Establish Authority and Expertise

In defining your niche, you naturally establish a sense of authority and expertise in your industry. This is because you will create content that specifically applies to the population interested in those trends and information.

With that said, your blog content must be interesting and intelligent. It must convey a sense of knowledge, even if you aren’t a total tech guru.

Successful tech bloggers don’t just spew out “smart information.” They know how to connect with their readers by solving and addressing issues and problems their readers have.

Write Killer Content- With SEO In Mind

Tech bloggers captivate their audience with their voices. They know how to make content interesting and engaging. They know how to break down complicated subjects in ways that are fun to understand.

If you have a real knack for writing, this is your chance to hone in on those creative skills. Write from the heart! Use your personality and humor.

Most people want to know the person behind the computer screen. Show yourself to them!

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With that in mind, it’s not enough to just produce amazing content. You also need to follow the master tips for SEO and local SEO.

Maximizing SEO transforms your website from a fun, hobby blog into an actual, lucrative business. That’s because SEO promotes visibility, increases your rank on search engines like Google, and drives overall traffic.

After all, having the best website in the world doesn’t mean a whole lot if nobody is there to see it.

Post Regularly

There’s no way around this one. In order to have a successful blog, you need to have consistent, fresh content. Nothing is worse than having a graveyard of a website, where the last blog post was updated two years ago.

While you don’t have to post every single day, you do need to have some kind of consistent schedule. That consistency is important for you to create an effective content calendar and show reliability to your readers.

Try starting out with 3 blog posts per week. Create a content calendar (using your phone or piece of paper) and write down potential blog post ideas whenever inspiration strikes. That way, you’re not stuck with a horrible case of writer’s block when it’s time to post.

After gaining the traffic you want, consider your posting routine. You may need to increase or decrease. The best advice? Ask your audience! Your fans will likely be eager to tell you what they do and don’t want to see!

Master Social Media

As of June 2017, Facebook reported 1.37 billion daily active users. That’s about 1 in 7 people in the entire world.

Successful tech bloggers know the importance of social media, and they use its virtues to their advantage.

One of the best ways to generate income is through optimizing your social media channels. Get active on Facebook. Create interesting tutorials on Youtube. Connect with other experts on LinkedIn.

In other words, engage with your audience! Encourage active conversation and dialogue. This is one of the greatest ways tech bloggers can be more “personal” with their work.

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Consider Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing entails merchants paying you a commission for referring consumers to their business. This type of revenue is performance-based, which means you get paid per transaction.

Successful tech bloggers maximize the benefits of affiliate marketing because it’s incredibly easy and efficient.

For the businesses advertising, start-up rates are low. Additional staff is not needed, and you don’t even need a specific, tangible product (people may want to advertise e-books or consulting services).

For you, setting up affiliate marketing is a great way to generate passive income and earn a strong working relationship with other businesses. Like any other business venture, you can make a lot of money doing this- or no money at all. It takes time, dedication, and learning to become successful at affiliate marketing, but it’s a path many lucrative tech bloggers take.

Offer Exclusive Content

There are plenty of amazing ways to generate serious income through your website.

Tech bloggers, like the Scarlett Group, think outside the box. They identify problems and offer real-world solutions. They may work full-time in IT industries, and they use this to their advantage in helping produce exclusive content.

Consider this: Do you like writing long-form articles? Consider writing an ebook and selling it for a nominal fee.

Are you a fan of helping and teaching others? Consider online consulting or coaching services? Want to improve your offline reputation?

Consider speaking engagements and public speeches. While pursuing these ventures may take more upfront time and energy, they can pay serious dividends later on.

Final Thoughts On Tech Bloggers

Transforming your passion into income can be extremely exciting and rewarding.

It can also be a stressful process, so be patient and kind to yourself when starting out!

At Blogging WP, we’re passionate about helping you generate serious income in creative and fun ways.

Be sure to check out our extensive information about all things blogging, content creation, and making money online today!