How to Build a Multilingual Website

There is something that we all need to understand: The Internet has no language. How could a place with no borders, no race, and no discrimination possibly follow just one language? This is exactly why most businesses need a multilingual website.

But how easy is it? If you are on WordPress, we have some really great news for you. It is just a matter of clicks.

Creating a Multilingual Website on WordPress

There are two main ways to translate a website on WordPress which are equally effective:

  1. By editing your website’s source code.
  2. By installing the right plugins.

Today we are going to take a look at the second option which will save you tons of time and energy. This is why WordPress has grown so much, after all. It is easy to work with!

So, keep reading for the top three plugins you can use to translate your website and create a great, multilingual online directory that will help you go global!

1. Google Language Translator

Don’t be confused. The Google Language Translator plugin is not developed by Google per se. However, it is built on top of Google Translate and it is as automatic as it could get.

All you have to do is download the plugin, install it, activate it, and choose among the 80 languages you want to offer. Don’t expect any sophisticated translation rather a roughly translated content that will get the job done.

If you are looking for some more detailed job, the next one might be the one you’ve been looking for.

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2. Lingotek Translation

Lingotek Translation is one of the most professional solutions out there. Although the plugin offers automatic translation (like the majority of its kind), Lingotek Translation is popular for working with real people.

Do you have your own team of translators? No problem! You and your team can work on your translation in a matter of a few clicks right within WordPress.

If you are looking for a professional translator, though, things get more interesting.

Just tap into Lingotek’s marketplace and create your own team right from scratch. You will be able to see the translation process and when it is completed, it will be published on your website automatically.

3. GTS Translation Plugin

There is a common problem when people create a multilingual website. They are afraid they might confuse Google and lose their organic visits. Fortunately, the GTS Translation Plugin promises to fix this problem.

According to its creators, all translated content is cached in your website’s database to be indexed by all search engines. While the official plugin page says that customers should expect a 30% traffic increase after a couple of months, some customers have seen over 100% increase in their analytics.

In addition, GTS Translation provides automatic translation and human post-editing either by the GTS translating community or your own team. If you are looking for a team of experienced, professional translators, take a look at Trans Global’s website for more information.

Create Your Site Today!

Okay, now you know how easy creating a multilingual website with WordPress actually is. However, this is the very first step to success.

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