How to Get Sponsors for Your Blog (and Become a Product Promotion Machine!)

Waking up with the sun, sipping on some coffee, and settling in at your home-office desk to begin writing. When people think about blogging for a career, this is probably the ideal imagery that comes to mind.

Get a reality check.

Blogging is hard. It’s a crowded space. It’s expected there will be over 31 million bloggers by 2020. And few get to the point where sponsorships can pay their monthly bills.

Ready to find out the secrets on how to get sponsors for your blog? Keep reading below!

Be Attractive to Possible Sponsors and Brands

Brands won’t throw money at just any blogger. To increase your odds of landing a sponsor for your blog, you need to be attractive.

Step one is to be consistent. This means posting a blog at least once a week. More is better. A blog with sparse or inconsistent content will not attract the type of traffic a brand will want. Be sure to actively work on your SEO strategies too.

Step two is to always publish quality content that engages readers. If you don’t put effort into posts, it will show. Both brands and readers will lose trust if you seem unoriginal or fake.

If you are unsure how to encourage engagement, first think about what your readers are looking for. What problems or questions do they have? Start by answering those and you will find increased engagement.

How to Get Sponsors for Your Blog: Practice Your Pitch

While brands may occasionally approach you themselves, you need to go after your own sponsors too. Before meeting with a brand, do some homework.

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Know their mission, values, and general marketing practices. If you demonstrate you understand their brand and have ideas to bring to the table, they will be impressed.

Don’t just research the brand or company you’re pitching. Know your audience. Document comments, engagement, and any demographics you have access to.

If you are stumped, run a poll or contest to ask for information. Offer some promotional products with your blog logo as prizes.

The more you know about your audience, the better you can sell your reach to sponsors. Don’t guess on numbers. Even a basic report will look incredibly professional.

Know Your Strengths and Deliver Results

If you have a massive following for DIY baby food recipes, don’t shy away from that. Use your expertise and niche to your advantage. Consider seeking sponsors from other baby product brands.

One final tip is to deliver promised results. Don’t take sponsors for granted. Work as though they are your only paid sponsorship (even if they aren’t). Don’t miss deadlines or write poor content.

The internet world is large, but you don’t want to accidentally create a bad reputation for yourself.

Time to Watch Your Blog Turn into Profits

You should not have a pretty good idea on how to get sponsors for your blog. No matter your niche or background, there are brands and businesses willing to work with you out there.

Looking for even more information to take your blog to the next level? Check out our additional tips for monetizing your blog beyond finding sponsors.