How to Implement Poster Advertising in Your Marketing Campaign

Offline marketing is still effective, even in today’s digitally-driven world.

For any business–including one that is online only–an offline marketing campaign can be a great way to snap up more customers. Poster advertising is cheap and effective, allowing you to create a targeted campaign in your local area.

If you’re unsure about the benefits of offline marketing for an online business, keep reading.

Why Poster Advertising Works

Posters capture the attention of passersby who might not already know about your business.

Relying too much on digital marketing means you’re missing out on local customers. Advertising only online means you can be too targeted in your marketing efforts.

The result? You’ll miss potential customers who are earlier in the buying cycle and may not be aware of your brand yet.

Poster advertising allows you to promote your brand or event in a concise, attractive, and unmissable format. You can’t close a poster with a click like you would a website pop-up!

Top Poster Marketing Tips

Posters allow you to market to local customers for a small budget. Here are some top tips to follow if you want a cost-effective poster advertising campaign:

1. Use Bold Designs for Maximum Impact

Bright colors and bold fonts, or striking monochrome, can really catch the eye of a passer-by. A great image or two has the same effect. Try to pick a few bold and simple graphics so that you can get your message across with ease.

What if you’re not confident enough yet to create a stunning poster campaign from scratch? There are lots of free poster templates available online to give you some inspiration to get started.

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2. Keep Your Message Concise

Posters come in all shapes and sizes, from half page pocket-sized flyers to huge billboard sizes. Even if you choose to go to the larger end of the scale, try not to crowd your poster design.

Scale up the design instead of adding more content. Avoid putting too many words on your poster. People will only read it for a few seconds, so make sure they can understand your message in a quick glance.

3. Put Your Posters in Relevant Places

It’s easy to get carried away when you’ve come up with an awesome poster design, but don’t waste your money!

Try to put your posters up in areas that your target customers frequent. For example, if you run a parenting website, consider putting posters up in local coffee shops or on the notice board at a kindergarten group.

4. Include Clear Contact Information

Make sure your poster includes more than one way to contact you or to find out more information. Some people prefer to make a phone call. Others like to investigate on the web, while others like social media.

Include at least your website and a social media tag so that people can choose how they find you for more information.

How to Track the Success of Your Poster Campaign

It’s easy to keep track of your poster campaign success.

Use a unique URL for your posters and then look at your website analytics. You’ll be able to see how many people have come directly from your unique URL, which will give you an idea of how successful the campaign has been.

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You can even get tech-savvy and use a QR code for passers-by to scan with their smartphone. This can send them directly to your website or allow them to download an immediate voucher to spend in your store.

More Marketing Tips for Driving Traffic to Your Online Business

Poster advertising is one of the best ways to capture potential traffic with offline marketing.

However, a good content strategy will always integrate both offline and online strategies to maximize traffic to your website.

Make sure you’re getting your content marketing strategy right with these hot tips for driving traffic to your blog.