Like a Boss: A LinkedIn Summary for Students Establishing Themselves

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools for professionals.

With more than 575 million users worldwide, it’s one of the best ways for working professionals to connect and build a great network.

But you don’t have to be a seasoned worker to get the most out of the platform. Students can start reaping the benefits of LinkedIn too.

If you’re ready to get started with the world’s most popular professional network, read on for a LinkedIn summary for students ready to establish themselves.

Why Use LinkedIn?

If you haven’t gotten started with LinkedIn yet, you might be wondering why you should even use it in the first place.

While this particular social platform might not sound all that exciting, it’s incredibly useful. LinkedIn is a great way to find a job after you leave school and a really useful way to build a network that can help you find even better jobs down the road.

Start With a Professional Photo

You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. And with LinkedIn, your profile photo is a big part of the first impression you’ll have on others using the platform.

While you don’t need to be a model to have success with LinkedIn, you do need a tasteful, pro-quality headshot to look like a working professional.

Skip the beach photo with your friends and take a photo that looks like you want a job.

Write a Killer Title and Summary

Besides your photo, your title and summary are probably the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile.

Your title and summary are the first parts of your profile that many recruiters or hiring managers will read. If they don’t see something they like there, they will likely move on and pursue other candidates.

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Take advantage of this area of your profile to really sell yourself and get profile viewers interested in you. Highlight the value that you can deliver to potential employers.

Add Relevant Experience

If you’re a student, you may not have much experience yet. But, if you have any experience at all — even as a volunteer or intern — be sure to get it on your profile as experience.

Don’t Forget Your Education and Certifications

As a student, you know the value of education. So do potential employers. Add your education and degrees to your profile, even if you’re not quite done with them yet.

Start Building Your Network

Once you’ve filled out your profile, it’s time to get down to business.

The greatest value LinkedIn provides is the personal network it allows you to build. Start by reaching out to people you already know, from there you can begin connecting with relevant industry contacts.

Posting and interacting on LinkedIn can also help you grow your network. Be sure to learn how to post on LinkedIn effectively to grow your network the right way.

A LinkedIn Summary for Students

Hopefully, this LinkedIn summary for students has helped you understand how important this platform is for many careers. Just be sure to optimize your photo and profile for the job you’re looking for.

Check out the rest of the blog for more on career and business.