New and Improved LinkedIn Company Pages: What’s New, What’s Improved

The LinkedIn Company page has become one of the most popular social networking features available. It is really a hit with businesses due to exclusive luxuries that make the underlying platform a more effective means of connecting with and marketing to followers. In 2010, LinkedIn officially launched its own Company Pages, which at the time, served as a replacement of Company Profiles. This feature has come a long way since then, and continues to improve with each new update.

LinkedIn recently announced a redesigned version of Company Pages. In a blog post, the company mentioned that this initiative is another part in its ongoing efforts to simplify the experience across its platform. Without further ado, let’s dive into what the revamped LinkedIn Pages have to offer.

New Additions

In the recent redesign effort, LinkedIn touched its Company Pages up with some improvements as well as a few all new enhancements. We’ll start with the new stuff.

1. App support
LinkedIn has decided to allow Company Pages to spread its wings and extend its reach. The feature is now available on the company’s iPhone, iPad, and Android apps. Thanks to this addition, users can connect with their favorite brands from virtually anywhere.

2. Cover image
The cover image is taking off as a nice addition to the social media profile. You can view it as a simple luxury, or a vital component that helps establish your brand identity. Realizing the potential here, LinkedIn has provided a convenient way for companies to upload a large image that best represents them on the network.

3. Special note
The introduction of the cover image is a very important one to note because it has implications for other elements on the overview page. With this image now in the mix, a brand’s summary, which many use as an “about us” section, has been moved to the bottom of the page beneath all your updates. So if you want to appeal to visitors who land on your page, better make sure your cover image is compelling enough to convince them to scroll down for more info.

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4. Update metrics
The redesign also takes the performance of company updates into account. 24 hours after posting an update, you will have access to a few new metrics. These metrics will appear in a gray font to the bottom left of your content preview photo and provide insight into impressions, clicks, and the engagement of your posts.

Notable Improvements

LinkedIn also used the redesign effort to improve some of the existing elements of Company Pages. And like with the brand new additions, these enhancements aim to improve the overall experience for both brands and users.

1. Streamlined interface
The revamped LinkedIn Company Pages boast a new streamlined look that puts an emphasis on simplicity. From news and other information pertaining to a specific company to goods and services, this design makes it much easier for the user to find the content they want. Brands stand to benefit greatly because this streamlined navigation experience can lead to more visibility for their products, solutions, career opportunities and more.

2. More relevant update stream
With the new and improved Company Pages, updates from brands have been pushed into the spotlight for the user. Not only can the user see all the updates made by the companies they’re following, they can easily comment, endorse, and share that content with the connections in their network. This works out for brands, too, because it makes sure that job candidates and other members who are valuable to their network stay updated.

3. Easier access to content targeting
One of the most useful features LinkedIn Company Pages offers is content targeting, which allows brands to share updates with their entire audience, or segments of their audience. In the redesign, this feature is displayed more prominently and thus, easier to access. Content targeting has always been one of the more underutilized features, so this added visibility should definitely come in handy for marketers.

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4. Employer brands front and center
Under Career Pages, which is a section within Company Pages, LinkedIn is offering opportunities for companies to showcase their brand as an employer in a more visual and attractive way, which it believes will make the job hunting process a more personalized experience for seekers. It is important to note that this feature in only available to select companies.

LinkedIn hasn’t said exactly when the new Company Pages will arrive, but hinted that they should reach all companies later this year. We’ll definitely keep an eye out.