Top 5 Tokyo Attractions in 2020: Tips From the Locals

If you’re ready for a vacation, but you’re tired of doing the same old thing with by going to Disneyworld, or the closest beach, then it’s time that you had a little change of pace. And there’s no better way to experience that change of pace than by taking a trip to the exotic world that Japan represents.

To truly experience a new culture and new part of the world, Japan is your best bet for a vacation. In this article, we’ll go over five of the top Tokyo tourists’ attractions that you need to consider visiting on your Japan trip.

1. See the Sakura

One uniquely Japanese thing that’s known the world around is the beautiful Sakura blossom. This plant is a specific Japanese cherry tree and is known for absolutely gorgeous pink blossoms whenever the spring comes around.

In order to experience this phenomenon to the fullest, go on a strawberry-picking trip where you’ll be surrounded by these blossoms.

2. Travel the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

If wilderness is your thing, then there’s no doubt that you can’t miss the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. This route is only open from April to November, as the snow that covers the mountains during the rest of the year makes it difficult to access.

You’ll see the best and most beautiful that the Japanese terrain has to offer. Best of all, even if you’re not the outdoorsy type you can still enjoy the views from a cable car.

3. Watch Baseball

At first, this tourist attraction may seem a little counter-intuitive. Why would you travel halfway across the world only to experience America’s favorite pastime?

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However, the truth is that Japan is one of those few countries apart from the United States that is truly exceptional at baseball. If you’re a fan of the sport, then you shouldn’t miss getting a game in on your trip. 

4. Tan at Okinawa

The beaches at Okinawa have white sand, beautiful soft waves, and perfect temperatures. If you’re looking for the ideal place to get your tan on, then there’s no better location than the beaches at Okinawa.

5. Robot-Serviced Bars

Last but not least, you have to experience Japan’s robot-serviced bars. As a country, Japan is always at the very cutting edge of technology, and that’s nowhere more visible than when you take a trip to a bar serviced by robots!

To get there, make sure that you get a Suica Card Japan first, as that will allow you to utilize public transport all over Tokyo without having to worry about dealing with fares and currency transfers.

Top Tokyo Tourists’ Attractions

There you have it — now that you know the top Tokyo tourists’ attractions, all that’s left is for you to plan which ones will figure in your itinerary. Don’t forget to include these top destinations, and you’ll have yourself the trip of a lifetime!

For more travel advice, be sure to check out the rest of the articles on the website!