Understanding Different Types of Links and How They Impact SEO

SEO is an integral part of your blog and website. It helps your customers discover you in a natural fashion and can help establish you as a useful and trustworthy source.

As you begin to use SEO, you’ll learn that linking is an important part of the process. But what types of links are needed for success?

Learn about the various links, and how they can make or break your website.

Internal Links Keep Folks on Your Website

Internal links offer one of the most common ways to keep people on a blog or website. When talking about a subject, you can link to another section of your site or blog that discusses this subject, or something related to it.

People find this trustworthy, and enjoy coming back to a site where they believe the owner can help them. You don’t need to be a self-proclaimed expert, but you’ll notice more returning visitors if you demonstrate knowledge in your subject.

External Links Can Direct People to Resources

External links also get called backlinks sometimes. These link to other sites that offer authority on a subject and can help individuals looking for more information.

If you appear to be an expert in your field, you’ll find other people begin linking to your site and blog. This brings you in new customers.

Getting backlinks takes time, but the results speak for themselves. Alternatively, you’ll find that when you offer others links on your site, you’ll discover they’re happy to work with you.

Manual Outreach Works But Can Feel Like One of the Time-Consuming Types of Links

Manual outreach is one of the time-consuming methods that requires some planning and prep. Many people shy away from this method because the results don’t come as fast as they’d like.

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You’ll start out by contacting individuals and find out if they’re interested in guest posting or putting your link into a new or upcoming post.

Doing this requires you to find people who:

  • Seem interested and willing
  • Have connections in your industry

You’ll need to make it worth their while to do so. This sometimes comes in the form of another link or offering a promotion or gift. You’ll need to follow up on the individuals you contact who don’t respond right away.

If you believe this takes too long and would rather look for another option, check out this site here.

Avoid Self-Created Non-Editorial Links

Self-created non-editorial links can sound confusing at first glance. It’s usually considered black hat building and involves obvious promotion of your link.

Sometimes it works, but it doesn’t seem organic, and won’t always get you the type of customers you’re looking for. This can make it harder for your blog or website to get properly ranked in Google.

Examples of these types of links include:

  • Forum signatures
  • Directories
  • Blog comments

Although these get seen sometimes, you’ll find better ways of gathering traffic than sneaking a link in.

Learn More

If you’re just getting started out with your website or blog, it’s important to know what types of links to include and what to avoid. Investing time and energy in the right channels makes a difference in how your blog gets perceived.

If you’re looking for tips on how to blog when you’re new, we can help. Check out our blog on 5 blogging tips for newbies.

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